A footnote it is, a footnote it shall be.
Today i went to a carwash with syamim, just because i thought somebody hasn't clean that car for a while so i might just pamper it. and you know what, I'm so glad i did.
The uncle who washed our car was very friendly. We started to talk and he suddenly went and started giving advices to us. I can see how he would be prone to, seeing us, two young girls, studying medic. Apparently he was an engineer, but he ended up running a car wash business because he didn't like the life he had. Especially the people he had to deal with. ''Orang sekarang tak macam orang
dulu. Sekarang orang jahat2 tak boleh percaya.'' and he reminded us to never trust anyone, just keep faith to yourself and God.
He used to be a monk too. haha. Interesting uncle. He basically pesan us a lot la. Remember God, always pray, mengaji. If he is not a buddhist i'm quite sure he'd be a good muslim. Dia kata hidup ni tak payah busuk hati, nanti karma datang balik. ''Sekarang lain tau dengan dulu, dulu kalau buat kena dekat anak cucu, sekarang kalau sendiri buat, sendiri kena. Kalau orang buat kita, kita diam saja, tak payah buat orang balik. Tak payah ikut orang, kita kena ok dengan diri sendiri. Orang sekarang kadang banyak duit sombong, bangga, tapi nanti mati tak ada apa, bawak satu kain saja. Kita datang kosong, kita balik kosong maa..''
I was so taken aback. I was so really touched actually to suddenly get a reminder like that. Very unexpected. I strongly believe that whatever is heard by the ears are meant for us to hear kan? I rasa macam nak nangis, because earlier during the day I was affected by something of the past and it really brought me down. And suddenly, in less than 12 hours, Allah pujuk me with this kind encounter. I feel so blessed and terharu.
That uncle lived a very modest life. The house was very modest. ''Saya happy, sihat, anak ceria, makan cukup, oklahh.. Kita kalau takde duit janganlah sampai menangis. Duit ada tak payah suka, duit tak ada, jangan menangis. Itu duit pun bukan kita yang punya. Orang Thailand kata, (insert some thai here), you cannot catch the wind. Money is like the wind, can you catch the wind?''
You see?
''Saya cakap awak eh, badan sihat, ingat Allah, hormat parents, you happy lah. Parents very important tau, you jangan sekali-kali marah kat diorang. Kalau you rasa sangat marah pun dia ada buat apa, jangan marah. Parents dulu yang jaga kita, nanti kita tua dah ada anak sendiri kita harap anak2 nak jaga kita juga kan?''
and banyak lagi kot. yang penting i just remember feeling so blessed and so inspired to be tenang and feel satisfied..
The things you encounter in the streets...