Tuesday, January 12, 2016

personality test

Hey I'm just downloading workout videos and it's taking ages because of the internet speed limitation. Best to download them one by one. So am bored and figured I should clean up my dekstop.

I screenshot a personality test on facebook, it was kind of spot on so I liked it. Dunno where else to put it, so here it is:

I think it was a 'what type of introvert are you' kind of test. I liked this because it simply explains the constant swinging of thoughts inside my head, especially the conservative but receptive character. Like I can listen to anything, any ideas willingly, in fact, I love to listen, but don't dare try to force your opinion or view or stand or faith whatever on me.

I'm very generous. I'd sacrifice so much for the people I believe in that's why I get hurt very bad when people betray my trust. and most times I rely too much on emotion, and that's why I easily get hurt yet sometimes people say I'm smart. Well life's a struggle.

So that's all for a short update. ta.

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