malu la plak ngn post sdri sblm ni. but im never deleting anything!
anyway, manifesto nite was brilliant! too bad i cant go to yesterday's session. outing..wuu~~..but no matter, as long as i can support and shout to my usrah sis (BESSIMA!!!!), then dats fine enough by me. kot. tho it would be much better if i could. but oh well.
SPR, u guys did great job. this years' manifesto nite was done professionally and i doubt any candidates resent the flow of the event. its well organised, no flaws on ur side.(as far as i can see) CONGRATS! the event was formal, assigned attire was smart, the atmosphere mild, just nice for such event. (well for me that is. im not such an exciting person,la). n u found yourself such good emcees. i could have sworn, everytime he speaks i want to vote for him. hehe..coherent and brilliant. i love the emcees la sng cite. so its a right decision u dont run for mpp. huhu..
Candidates, well u got tough competition this year. everyone is just in such a high spirit they almost blew the audiences away, literally =). caiyok lar! korang mmg care. tabik spring!! bkn senang nak naik atas tu. its not easy to convey ur own idea, from ur head, based on a restricted source(n maybe idea itself), to make people to just listen to you,what more to be convinved. From the bottom of my heart u guys deserves credits and respects. as a person who failed to deliver my manifesto speech in an impressing manner, i admit inferiority. =)
Overall, i enjoy the 2 hours i spent at the back of the hall tonite.hehe..eventhough i wasnt really expecting anything whatever. juz came to support bessi.
1 more thing, audiences, plg tak pon korang stick till the end and ramai lak tuh. Year 2 pon ramai yg dtg. If im one of the candidates, i'd be so grateful, thankful n terharu. walaupun tak layan certain part. (besela audience kmb. what do u expect? everybody will come to see and evaluate what qualities their future leaders have and consider analytically before choosing whom they'll vote? well,quite.... what im trying to say was..."this candidate is capable, charismatic bla3, mst boleh mng." really?i wonder..not all people vote the way u do) in the end i wasnt able to convey whatever im trying to say in the bracket.(-_-!)
dah2..sok nk bgn pg.weeee........tata.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
weyh! sambutan raye camne? bkn kte ke yang handle?
-takpe.jgn risau.tu org len buat.
org len sape?
-org laen. kite takyah isau.takyah pkir pape.
owh..abestu? kite wat ape? tak wat pape ke???
~(monolog dlmn) bkn ke bnde tu under kite......=(..takpela. biola die.kate gitu. aku dah tnye.
argghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bodow gler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nak maki nak maki nak maki nak maki...!!!
---------tgh taip ade org tnye psl raye lak, trase pedasnye.."eyh?bkn korg ke yg handle??"------
-mlm ni ade meeting ngn dak2. takpe ko takyah dtg.
dgn bodo n slambenye dtg gak..sbb..........("eyh??bkn bnde ni under MPP ke?? bkn MPP yg handle ke?? ey asl ko tak taw?? ey..cmni3 ke??? ey..bla3 ke...???")
shit, damn, poo~~yada3.the damn emerging problems lst minute.....stress kpd dak2(dorg yg handle 2). owh.....ttbe MPP,ops, certain mpp plak rase cam mpp handle.(la, camtu ke upe2nye?)
camne ni??dah tu,ape ktorang bleh wat skrg?ape yg ktorang ley tlg?
-takpe nnt ktorng bincang.
nape takleyh nak bincang je skrg.
-takpe nnt ktorg bincang same ktorang.
tak,nak taw cmne sudahnye ni? ape ktorang nak blik dgn? tgn kosong? (stlh menembokkan diri masuk gak stlh ditegah)
-takpe.jgn risau.tu org len buat.
org len sape?
-org laen. kite takyah isau.takyah pkir pape.
owh..abestu? kite wat ape? tak wat pape ke???
~(monolog dlmn) bkn ke bnde tu under kite......=(..takpela. biola die.kate gitu. aku dah tnye.
argghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bodow gler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nak maki nak maki nak maki nak maki...!!!
---------tgh taip ade org tnye psl raye lak, trase pedasnye.."eyh?bkn korg ke yg handle??"------
-mlm ni ade meeting ngn dak2. takpe ko takyah dtg.
dgn bodo n slambenye dtg gak..sbb..........("eyh??bkn bnde ni under MPP ke?? bkn MPP yg handle ke?? ey asl ko tak taw?? ey..cmni3 ke??? ey..bla3 ke...???")
shit, damn, poo~~yada3.the damn emerging problems lst minute.....stress kpd dak2(dorg yg handle 2). owh.....ttbe MPP,ops, certain mpp plak rase cam mpp handle.(la, camtu ke upe2nye?)
camne ni??dah tu,ape ktorang bleh wat skrg?ape yg ktorang ley tlg?
-takpe nnt ktorng bincang.
nape takleyh nak bincang je skrg.
-takpe nnt ktorg bincang same ktorang.
tak,nak taw cmne sudahnye ni? ape ktorang nak blik dgn? tgn kosong? (stlh menembokkan diri masuk gak stlh ditegah)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
rather than a typical blog, mine is more like a reminder for myself. like a diary, like just for personal expression given to my personal godbless self. A site where i find pleasure materializing my emotions and expressions, my thoughts and reflections. Though i write very little for reasons as many as those. Really not good in expressing my personal,personal,personal, deep, heart to heart expression. same goes with just personal thoughts.(Not good? I couldnt, even if i want to) It's quite frustrating, being an IB student,not being able to use the alternative of expressing as a means of relief. (-_-!)
my opinion of my own blog may be because nobody reads it.=P.loser gle..! heheh.. so this became kinda private(talk about private.=D).sbb tu la rase cam diari kot??! =).
I dont socialize half as much as i do at secondary school. so no kmbians here. smkajbian? bz with their own life to bother mine.(or is it the other way around? i believe it is). so nobody really bothers to read this stuff. its more or less the same for me anyway. is it? (this im not sure)
sometimes i say some wise stuff(wise for myself at least/most). so i ought to just record it for sometime later in my life. it might be useful.
So, that is why, as lame as it sounds...i'd consider this very blog of mine as a "foot note" of my life. =)
my opinion of my own blog may be because nobody reads it.=P.loser gle..! heheh.. so this became kinda private(talk about private.=D).sbb tu la rase cam diari kot??! =).
I dont socialize half as much as i do at secondary school. so no kmbians here. smkajbian? bz with their own life to bother mine.(or is it the other way around? i believe it is). so nobody really bothers to read this stuff. its more or less the same for me anyway. is it? (this im not sure)
sometimes i say some wise stuff(wise for myself at least/most). so i ought to just record it for sometime later in my life. it might be useful.
So, that is why, as lame as it sounds...i'd consider this very blog of mine as a "foot note" of my life. =)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
jalur lebar
jam menunjukkan pukul 12.41..aku masih terlantar lesu di atas katil bila mendengar ibu memanggil....
"Syah!! cpatla ni cakap ngan abah ape yang rosak broadband ni!"
aduh..kepala terasa berat, badan terasa malas. namun kerana broadband perlu dibetulkan, aku gagahkan diri juga. Dengan penuh lesu aku mengorak langkah keluar bilik. pintu dikuak. di depan bilik aku melihat ayahku berada di depanku, memegang broadband ku yang telah jahanam. terpisat-pisat, aku mendekatinya.
"Huhm??"!dengus ayahku.
lantas aku menerangkan tentang keadaan broadband ku yang jauh di sudut hatiku, aku tau, mmg takkan dapat dibaiki...
ayahku lalu berpaling dan menuju ke luar, ke celcom centre agaknya. aku kembali ke bilik membuai mimpi. namun, matahari tegak, kepalaku berdenyut-denyut, aku bingkas ke dapur menjenguk ibuku yang sedang membuat persiapan meniaga.
Beberapa minit kemudian, ayahku kembali. dia tidak berkata apa-apa dan aku tidak mengharapkan apa-apa. Aku tegar keluar masuk rumah, saja membuang masa, menyibuk melihat ibuku membuat kerjanya. Bosan melihat, aku masuk ke rumah lalu berselisih dengan ayahku yang hendak keluar.Namun sebelum dia keluar, dia menunduk dan mendengus mencapai sebuah beg di tepi pintu. beg yang kelihatan seolah-olah beg yang kite dapat kalau beli handphone.
"mesti ade kene mngene ngan broadband nih......" getus hatiku.namun, aku masih tidak mengharap apa-apa.Tiba-tiba, ayahku memanggil dari luar.
"Nah! amek nih! due ratus *smthng2*! jawab2!!..eysh..."
"eyh? ah??"aku kebingungan dan terlihat sebentuk benda yang berkilauan diunjukkan kepadaku. tanpa perlu memikirkannya, dengan sekali pandang aku tahu apa yang berada di celah jari ayahku itu. hatiku melompat kegirangan.
"eh? baru ea?" ibuku mencelah dan terjenguk-jenguk.
"yela..tak boleh betul..."
"ooOooOooooo........"ibuku tersengih dengan penuh bermakna.
"nah, amek ni.cucuk je dlm komputer pastu die setting sendiri." ayahku mengarah sambil mengunjuk broadband yang berwarna biru tua itu kepadaku. aku mencapai sambil tersengih-sengih lantas menghilangkan diri ke dalam bilik.........
p/s:how's my attempt in writing novel-like malay??=D
"Syah!! cpatla ni cakap ngan abah ape yang rosak broadband ni!"
aduh..kepala terasa berat, badan terasa malas. namun kerana broadband perlu dibetulkan, aku gagahkan diri juga. Dengan penuh lesu aku mengorak langkah keluar bilik. pintu dikuak. di depan bilik aku melihat ayahku berada di depanku, memegang broadband ku yang telah jahanam. terpisat-pisat, aku mendekatinya.
"Huhm??"!dengus ayahku.
lantas aku menerangkan tentang keadaan broadband ku yang jauh di sudut hatiku, aku tau, mmg takkan dapat dibaiki...
ayahku lalu berpaling dan menuju ke luar, ke celcom centre agaknya. aku kembali ke bilik membuai mimpi. namun, matahari tegak, kepalaku berdenyut-denyut, aku bingkas ke dapur menjenguk ibuku yang sedang membuat persiapan meniaga.
Beberapa minit kemudian, ayahku kembali. dia tidak berkata apa-apa dan aku tidak mengharapkan apa-apa. Aku tegar keluar masuk rumah, saja membuang masa, menyibuk melihat ibuku membuat kerjanya. Bosan melihat, aku masuk ke rumah lalu berselisih dengan ayahku yang hendak keluar.Namun sebelum dia keluar, dia menunduk dan mendengus mencapai sebuah beg di tepi pintu. beg yang kelihatan seolah-olah beg yang kite dapat kalau beli handphone.
"mesti ade kene mngene ngan broadband nih......" getus hatiku.namun, aku masih tidak mengharap apa-apa.Tiba-tiba, ayahku memanggil dari luar.
"Nah! amek nih! due ratus *smthng2*! jawab2!!..eysh..."
"eyh? ah??"aku kebingungan dan terlihat sebentuk benda yang berkilauan diunjukkan kepadaku. tanpa perlu memikirkannya, dengan sekali pandang aku tahu apa yang berada di celah jari ayahku itu. hatiku melompat kegirangan.
"eh? baru ea?" ibuku mencelah dan terjenguk-jenguk.
"yela..tak boleh betul..."
"ooOooOooooo........"ibuku tersengih dengan penuh bermakna.
"nah, amek ni.cucuk je dlm komputer pastu die setting sendiri." ayahku mengarah sambil mengunjuk broadband yang berwarna biru tua itu kepadaku. aku mencapai sambil tersengih-sengih lantas menghilangkan diri ke dalam bilik.........
p/s:how's my attempt in writing novel-like malay??=D
Thursday, August 27, 2009
huwarghhhh!!!! finally....
whew.. setelah sekian lame akhirnya dapat jgak connect internet. cnnction cm ayam.
too bad..syarah, liyana..i lost my mood already to update this thing. and this fucking keyboard is driving me mad!! im typing ike im typin on a typewriter. depressing...
what have i been doing at home for the mid sem hoiday?
well basicaly i sleep,wake up, hang around for a while, watch those stupid indon series on tv ( tho istill watch it...does that make me..........oh, nevamind),asar, go out to help my mum at bazar ramadhan, go home, watch tv n eat some more, sleep. (yes i did not go to masjid bcoz masjid at my place....conquered by indon, retarded children everywhere, better juz do it at home)
eh, wait???bazar ramadhan?
yessss!!! i have to help my mum at bazar ramadhan. n guess what she sells?? rjak asma. i dont seem to fancy it tho. but whatever, its not like i have to eat it everyday ( well in fact, i do, but its not ike i have no other choice. id be dead if thats the case). im pretty glad my parents and family doesnt have to go home around 11 again everyday. usually my mum sels floers during the fasting month. so she gets realy tired n juz cook superficial dishes for sahur.u know..sardine n stuff... sedih gak ar. now its much better.but...well, break fast plak affected. of course, i have to break fast at the bazar ramadhan obviously. we'll just eat something just to break and 'eat' at home. funny tho, what should we eat??...since during the day my mum was busy preparing the rojak's thingy, she obviousy did not prepare anythng. my eating pattern is disastrous. i feel like puking al the time. my tummy hurts..=(..uwekk..uwekkkk.....
er, hey!how bout homeworks???
owwww..s**t!! the godbless thing! err......err.....nooooooooooo.........i know nothing of it!!!! now??
nak sambung bace manga yer. kangen bangat!! hehe..=D.. nga layan eyeshield 21 rite now.lets go,lets go!!
*pardon the spelling error .freaking keyboard.malas nak btolkan.....OKAY!! i'll get to my homeworks later!!surely!!! sh*t!!argh!
too bad..syarah, liyana..i lost my mood already to update this thing. and this fucking keyboard is driving me mad!! im typing ike im typin on a typewriter. depressing...
what have i been doing at home for the mid sem hoiday?
well basicaly i sleep,wake up, hang around for a while, watch those stupid indon series on tv ( tho istill watch it...does that make me..........oh, nevamind),asar, go out to help my mum at bazar ramadhan, go home, watch tv n eat some more, sleep. (yes i did not go to masjid bcoz masjid at my place....conquered by indon, retarded children everywhere, better juz do it at home)
eh, wait???bazar ramadhan?
yessss!!! i have to help my mum at bazar ramadhan. n guess what she sells?? rjak asma. i dont seem to fancy it tho. but whatever, its not like i have to eat it everyday ( well in fact, i do, but its not ike i have no other choice. id be dead if thats the case). im pretty glad my parents and family doesnt have to go home around 11 again everyday. usually my mum sels floers during the fasting month. so she gets realy tired n juz cook superficial dishes for sahur.u know..sardine n stuff... sedih gak ar. now its much better.but...well, break fast plak affected. of course, i have to break fast at the bazar ramadhan obviously. we'll just eat something just to break and 'eat' at home. funny tho, what should we eat??...since during the day my mum was busy preparing the rojak's thingy, she obviousy did not prepare anythng. my eating pattern is disastrous. i feel like puking al the time. my tummy hurts..=(..uwekk..uwekkkk.....
er, hey!how bout homeworks???
owwww..s**t!! the godbless thing! err......err.....nooooooooooo.........i know nothing of it!!!! now??
nak sambung bace manga yer. kangen bangat!! hehe..=D.. nga layan eyeshield 21 rite now.lets go,lets go!!
*pardon the spelling error .freaking keyboard.malas nak btolkan.....OKAY!! i'll get to my homeworks later!!surely!!! sh*t!!argh!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
talk about private...=/
setelah sekian lame.. lets see... since february? i remain private without a single follower for my blog.muahaha..
eyy?? wats tis..?? 1 follower! ...syarah..... thank you dear, ur so sweet, but ur tainting my zero follower record. tsk3... well, wat to do. or r u obliged to do so because we're frens?? so sad..
wel, nampaknye i at least can say i have a follower. eventhough she's my close friend, not very much far from private state. haha.. n i doubt you even visit my page every now n then anyway.=D
maybe i juz shud do this more often. this blogging thingy. but i just cudnt find the time to even start. i envy u guys who can always find time to do this sorta of thing. i spend most of my tyme lately sleeping. sigh~ today i wake up at 12p.m. wat chem 2 pages, sambung tdo...bgn kol 4.
wat the heck???
biological clock aku sucks gle ujung minggu......(-_-!)
pikir2 susah gak tinggal bilik sorang. hanyut. anyways, thats rite.......... I FINALLY CLEANED MY E120 ROOM! finally... i got the room since sem 2, last february kot. muahaha.. skrg dah August, baru kemas. .rearranged all the furnitures.katil, L shaped.desks, ujung both 'instrument', sebelah study desk. lockers, seblah instrument. kerusi, atas locker(ingat nak buang je tp mane tau ade kegunaan satu mase nnt. muahaha) finally boleh diduduki. to: all my friends
Credits to LIYANA karena membantu aku mengemas and helped me also in figuring out on the furniture arrangements when im all confused. Arigatou ogazaimashita!! Aishiteru ne!! =)
i see no point to blab about actually in this blog. saje amek feel blik baru. hihi..
still, i need to think whether to move permanently or not. so lets list and evaluate..ngeh3..
Reasons to move:
1. Memangla aku ade wat dose sket2 tu, aku manusia bese. namon, nape bilikku panas gle. arghh!! mengglegak paleotak. kipas paling power pun bdan blecak gak.
2. Setakat ni aku rase tilam katilku paling keras antara mane2 tilam yang pernah aku cube kat kolej ni.
3.i think my rumet wudnt actually mind.n aku akan ade privacy.. hurm....
4. bilikku private lebih luas, ade due katil milikku, tade gangguan n ni ialah -bilik aku-
Reasons NOT to move:
1. Bilikku dekat..takyah jln jaoh blik klas pnat2.
2. bilikku dkat ngn blik Tv.
3. dari bilikku bleh dnga azan ngn jlas. (ceh! =P) tolla....
4. bilikku private jao. sket je. tp jao gak.
5. tinggal sorang hanyut.
6. klu pindah nanti bilikku private pnoh brg. tak besh.
Currently im staying in both.but having to go back and fore to my room from my room is quite tiring and time consuming. but to move permanently means i cant enjoy the privileges i have with my current room. tahla..HELP ME!!
I'll do what i feel like doing first. I'll do the deciding later. Its still too early to make decision.cewah.. ngeh3..
okie dokie! back to reality. Business IA sweetheart. lets go..IKEZO!!!
eyy?? wats tis..?? 1 follower! ...syarah..... thank you dear, ur so sweet, but ur tainting my zero follower record. tsk3... well, wat to do. or r u obliged to do so because we're frens?? so sad..
wel, nampaknye i at least can say i have a follower. eventhough she's my close friend, not very much far from private state. haha.. n i doubt you even visit my page every now n then anyway.=D
maybe i juz shud do this more often. this blogging thingy. but i just cudnt find the time to even start. i envy u guys who can always find time to do this sorta of thing. i spend most of my tyme lately sleeping. sigh~ today i wake up at 12p.m. wat chem 2 pages, sambung tdo...bgn kol 4.
wat the heck???
biological clock aku sucks gle ujung minggu......(-_-!)
pikir2 susah gak tinggal bilik sorang. hanyut. anyways, thats rite.......... I FINALLY CLEANED MY E120 ROOM! finally... i got the room since sem 2, last february kot. muahaha.. skrg dah August, baru kemas. .rearranged all the furnitures.katil, L shaped.desks, ujung both 'instrument', sebelah study desk. lockers, seblah instrument. kerusi, atas locker(ingat nak buang je tp mane tau ade kegunaan satu mase nnt. muahaha) finally boleh diduduki. to: all my friends
Credits to LIYANA karena membantu aku mengemas and helped me also in figuring out on the furniture arrangements when im all confused. Arigatou ogazaimashita!! Aishiteru ne!! =)
i see no point to blab about actually in this blog. saje amek feel blik baru. hihi..
still, i need to think whether to move permanently or not. so lets list and evaluate..ngeh3..
Reasons to move:
1. Memangla aku ade wat dose sket2 tu, aku manusia bese. namon, nape bilikku panas gle. arghh!! mengglegak paleotak. kipas paling power pun bdan blecak gak.
2. Setakat ni aku rase tilam katilku paling keras antara mane2 tilam yang pernah aku cube kat kolej ni.
3.i think my rumet wudnt actually mind.n aku akan ade privacy.. hurm....
4. bilikku private lebih luas, ade due katil milikku, tade gangguan n ni ialah -bilik aku-
Reasons NOT to move:
1. Bilikku dekat..takyah jln jaoh blik klas pnat2.
2. bilikku dkat ngn blik Tv.
3. dari bilikku bleh dnga azan ngn jlas. (ceh! =P) tolla....
4. bilikku private jao. sket je. tp jao gak.
5. tinggal sorang hanyut.
6. klu pindah nanti bilikku private pnoh brg. tak besh.
Currently im staying in both.but having to go back and fore to my room from my room is quite tiring and time consuming. but to move permanently means i cant enjoy the privileges i have with my current room. tahla..HELP ME!!
I'll do what i feel like doing first. I'll do the deciding later. Its still too early to make decision.cewah.. ngeh3..
okie dokie! back to reality. Business IA sweetheart. lets go..IKEZO!!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
di manakah anda akan jmpe pkataan ni.
sile teka...
dh blom??


huh, mnyigkap kenangan lama. alhamdulillah.. bkn kputusan yg same bgku.
skarang gliran para junior pulak. harap redha dengan segala kputusan yg korg dpt. Kalau dapat, Alhamdulillah, troskan perjuangan anda. sama ada rela atau paksa, wallahuallam, korg sdri lbeh tau. But I'd like to regard to an anonymous quote, "see opportunities in every hardships and resentment, not the other way around"(this is alittle bit my own word.=D). so walaupon myb korang rase tak rela, don't just accept and don't just resent blindfully. this is ur chance to assess. What, maybe IS my path? what is it that i actually WANT in my life? or maybe, if ur not sure, then u can just go with the flow. Allah maha pengasih, anda akan ditunjukkan jln. ur BEST!! =)
However, for those who are a little "unlucky", tak dpt ape yg korg hajati, then dont be sad. Dont consider urself unlucky for not getting what u want. consider urself lucky instead, sbb apa yg korg rase dan percaye baik untuk korang, awl2 lagi Tuhan dh tunjuk,'that's not it'. so korang dh bole stat rangka khidupan korg dgn lbeh awl. dr sudut yg berbeze. look back and assess y, myb, that wht u want isnt actually wt u need bcoz Allah has already shown u that. So be grateful and be blessed because now u see CLEARLY that Allah is doing something for u. for the sake of u.
So, dear little brothers and sisters, i dont have much to say for i am not a good speaker, not good at comforting people (not even my frens) either, but i wud like to sincerely remind u with lots of care... whatever happens, whenever, wherever,only two words as a piece of advice and guidance.Have faith.
di manakah anda akan jmpe pkataan ni.
sile teka...
dh blom??


huh, mnyigkap kenangan lama. alhamdulillah.. bkn kputusan yg same bgku.
skarang gliran para junior pulak. harap redha dengan segala kputusan yg korg dpt. Kalau dapat, Alhamdulillah, troskan perjuangan anda. sama ada rela atau paksa, wallahuallam, korg sdri lbeh tau. But I'd like to regard to an anonymous quote, "see opportunities in every hardships and resentment, not the other way around"(this is alittle bit my own word.=D). so walaupon myb korang rase tak rela, don't just accept and don't just resent blindfully. this is ur chance to assess. What, maybe IS my path? what is it that i actually WANT in my life? or maybe, if ur not sure, then u can just go with the flow. Allah maha pengasih, anda akan ditunjukkan jln. ur BEST!! =)
However, for those who are a little "unlucky", tak dpt ape yg korg hajati, then dont be sad. Dont consider urself unlucky for not getting what u want. consider urself lucky instead, sbb apa yg korg rase dan percaye baik untuk korang, awl2 lagi Tuhan dh tunjuk,'that's not it'. so korang dh bole stat rangka khidupan korg dgn lbeh awl. dr sudut yg berbeze. look back and assess y, myb, that wht u want isnt actually wt u need bcoz Allah has already shown u that. So be grateful and be blessed because now u see CLEARLY that Allah is doing something for u. for the sake of u.
So, dear little brothers and sisters, i dont have much to say for i am not a good speaker, not good at comforting people (not even my frens) either, but i wud like to sincerely remind u with lots of care... whatever happens, whenever, wherever,only two words as a piece of advice and guidance.Have faith.
Have faith in Him..he who creates us and knows exactly what our defects and weaknesses. He who has unlimited love and care for us, His humble servants. He knows whats best for us and He will always shows us the path to be closer to Him. Remember, everything happens for a reason.(damn cliche'..hahaha). =P. No la, everything happens for the very reason of Tarbiyah. To educate. for us to be closer to Him. He is calling for u guys. Bring yourself closer. He gives u pain because He misses you. He wants you to go and seek him. How irony is that for us as a servant and Him as the Great Creator. How sweet is that? cant u see??
So lets just open our hearts to whatever it is the results that we get ok? this does not only apply to this very situation. but also whenever in life. =). Lots of love.Good Luck!!
Have faith in Him..he who creates us and knows exactly what our defects and weaknesses. He who has unlimited love and care for us, His humble servants. He knows whats best for us and He will always shows us the path to be closer to Him. Remember, everything happens for a reason.(damn cliche'..hahaha). =P. No la, everything happens for the very reason of Tarbiyah. To educate. for us to be closer to Him. He is calling for u guys. Bring yourself closer. He gives u pain because He misses you. He wants you to go and seek him. How irony is that for us as a servant and Him as the Great Creator. How sweet is that? cant u see??
So lets just open our hearts to whatever it is the results that we get ok? this does not only apply to this very situation. but also whenever in life. =). Lots of love.Good Luck!!

Monday, April 20, 2009
why?why? whyy????? dammit!
why am i a girl??!! astaghfirullah.. thats so against qada' n qadar. haha..
i feel like a wotrhless shit coz of this susceptibility towards this thing called 'emotion'. ceh..
as a girl, with so many hormones and genes in both of my X chromosomes, so as normal to say i am prone to mlayan my perasaan.
i get easily irritated
i get pretty much pissed off with everybody evry now n then
i get so emo that nobody dares to say aword to me and in a flick of a finger im all jolly again(mental huh) terrible mood swing (-_-!)
im a bossy person tho nobody really notice until they are associated with me. i dont trust people easily. so i have problems with delegation of tasks. end up burdening myself and blowing my head up.
i feel like shit when i dont understand a topic and when i asked people, they are making it end up feeling goddamn stressed.
and~~at the end of the day i notice i cursed so much that it actually feels good when its not supposed to be so.
anyway i learn a new curse! instead of goddamn, how bout godbless huh?hahah..more polite, with an irony and literary effect. more effective than goddamn dont u think so? i reckon so.. well whatever. im not supposed to curse anyway. its not polite!dont u know??? far, i think i've hurt a lot of feeling with my bitchy attitude which is getting more bitchy and bitchy as i spend more time here in this godbless place. therefore, i'd rather lock myself up in my room so people dont have to see my worse than shit face.
i tried my best to suppress all this negative feeling.i shouldn't let my emotions govern me. not good for my health, says a friend. but u know..its really hard. i just feel like letting out everything's that inside me! and as the result, people around me gets uncomfortable and annoyed.
i'd wake up every morning with frustration.if not mind flashes of homework, oversleep or the conciousness that i've been doing NOTHING to serve the students when im supposed to, the frustration and disappointment with my colleagus!..then its just habit to feel so. if im lucky i even get swtdreams of math and maybe a lil bit of other subjects.(that's what makes me on the verge of breaking down sometimes)
but, u know what..i just think that i have to lift a few burdens off my mind to make space for the emotionally affected matters so that my head is not cramped up and i get to all those shitty attitudes.things which i can control, in my grasp, and i can do it by myself, without having to put trust on others,and prone to disappointment:i.e..don't procrastinate and complete my godbless homework!! well, that actually works. im a bit stable than before. tho i still cant help getting easily irritated. worst still , getting disgusted with other people.
like, who am i to feel disgusted at other people???
Juz losing up the tense. in less than 1 hour tonite, i get from blank emotion to optimum pissing off.been conscious bout these for quite a time now.but still in the process of improving and develioping a personal barrier. (how do u do a personal barrier to ur own personal godbless self??).well, i'll have to discover that,thats all mental blurbs for today peeps.or myb juz the web.friggin negative emotion! shooo~~!!!go away!! i dont like u!huh! (-__-)
i feel like a wotrhless shit coz of this susceptibility towards this thing called 'emotion'. ceh..
as a girl, with so many hormones and genes in both of my X chromosomes, so as normal to say i am prone to mlayan my perasaan.
i get easily irritated
i get pretty much pissed off with everybody evry now n then
i get so emo that nobody dares to say aword to me and in a flick of a finger im all jolly again(mental huh) terrible mood swing (-_-!)
im a bossy person tho nobody really notice until they are associated with me. i dont trust people easily. so i have problems with delegation of tasks. end up burdening myself and blowing my head up.
i feel like shit when i dont understand a topic and when i asked people, they are making it end up feeling goddamn stressed.
and~~at the end of the day i notice i cursed so much that it actually feels good when its not supposed to be so.
anyway i learn a new curse! instead of goddamn, how bout godbless huh?hahah..more polite, with an irony and literary effect. more effective than goddamn dont u think so? i reckon so.. well whatever. im not supposed to curse anyway. its not polite!dont u know??? far, i think i've hurt a lot of feeling with my bitchy attitude which is getting more bitchy and bitchy as i spend more time here in this godbless place. therefore, i'd rather lock myself up in my room so people dont have to see my worse than shit face.
i tried my best to suppress all this negative feeling.i shouldn't let my emotions govern me. not good for my health, says a friend. but u know..its really hard. i just feel like letting out everything's that inside me! and as the result, people around me gets uncomfortable and annoyed.
i'd wake up every morning with frustration.if not mind flashes of homework, oversleep or the conciousness that i've been doing NOTHING to serve the students when im supposed to, the frustration and disappointment with my colleagus!..then its just habit to feel so. if im lucky i even get swtdreams of math and maybe a lil bit of other subjects.(that's what makes me on the verge of breaking down sometimes)
but, u know what..i just think that i have to lift a few burdens off my mind to make space for the emotionally affected matters so that my head is not cramped up and i get to all those shitty attitudes.things which i can control, in my grasp, and i can do it by myself, without having to put trust on others,and prone to disappointment:i.e..don't procrastinate and complete my godbless homework!! well, that actually works. im a bit stable than before. tho i still cant help getting easily irritated. worst still , getting disgusted with other people.
like, who am i to feel disgusted at other people???
Juz losing up the tense. in less than 1 hour tonite, i get from blank emotion to optimum pissing off.been conscious bout these for quite a time now.but still in the process of improving and develioping a personal barrier. (how do u do a personal barrier to ur own personal godbless self??).well, i'll have to discover that,thats all mental blurbs for today peeps.or myb juz the web.friggin negative emotion! shooo~~!!!go away!! i dont like u!huh! (-__-)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
hi everybody. im a newbie here. i hve a friendster, myspace and facebook account. u can juz add me err..myb next time. this is my first time doing a blog. i think its pretty stupid for a person like me to be writing a blog. nothing worth to be wrote or shared with the whole world. nobody reads this anyway except for my frens of course. but anyway, they already knew whateva i hv to say about anything. so....whats the purpose of doing this whole damn thing?
girl, if u think its stupid then y are u doing it anyway??
so true... i dont know
(rolling eyes) stupid...
u think?
duh~ are u seriously asking dat question??
i think, maybe i juz wanna try this whole blog thing. idunno..maybe its fun, maybe i can say whateva im not able to say in front of other ppl etc.
rite, so there u go. what i feel about blogging. wish me luck ppl! i hope i can get somewhere from here.arh yarh! one more reason for more stop for stalkers out there.. lolx!
girl, if u think its stupid then y are u doing it anyway??
so true... i dont know
(rolling eyes) stupid...
u think?
duh~ are u seriously asking dat question??
i think, maybe i juz wanna try this whole blog thing. idunno..maybe its fun, maybe i can say whateva im not able to say in front of other ppl etc.
rite, so there u go. what i feel about blogging. wish me luck ppl! i hope i can get somewhere from here.arh yarh! one more reason for more stop for stalkers out there.. lolx!
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