Sunday, July 10, 2011

love stories

I always try to avoid myself reading love stories book, chick-lits and stuff like that. Even love dramas. It has been always like that. without an instant thought, it's like a habit now to me that i have to now evaluate the reason behind it. Everytime i think of it, i moan and roll my eyes. It's like i hate it. This is pure prejudice, i must admit.

Perhaps, this owes to the fact that i wanna see myself as a strong, independent woman wanting more to life than just a relationship. Sure, in those books, those womans have careers, families, 'life' as we know it. But the whole story being centered around creating a relationship from beginning till end, i simply cant handle that. It narrows down the scope of life to merely the relationship part. I'd like to see romance as the romantic essence of a story instead of romance being 'life' itself.

To me, there's a whole lot of other issues in this world, that we don't know, that we haven't discovered. Some issues big enough to make us feel insignificant reading about it. That reminds us that we are not the only 'unfortunate' ones in this world. That brings us back to merely a speck of dust inside the giant's eye. On the other hand, romance is simply something that we can relate to our life. Makes us think, i'd like something like that..that's real sweet.. and stuff like that. It's a good way to spend time leisurely, reading something lighthearted and heartwarming. But it makes me feel weak and vulnerable. Makes me want to wish for something that's non-existent in my life.

These kind of stories is based on two main characters. The boy and the girl. Without one, the other cannot exist, because then there won't be a story. Stories that are based on one character, with a lot of dynamic supporting characters, suits more to reality, for me. Perhaps, this is because i am not focusing on relationship yet, but rather on establishing myself to become a great woman in my own perspective. However, life is one person's journey, like it or not. Even if you have found your soulmate or something like that, he or she is still a supporting character, with varying magnitude of importance of course.

This is strictly my own opinion, my prejudice, others who find strength in those books are definitely not to be condemned. We are our own masters. We decide on what to take and who to be for ourselves. This reminds me of Queen elizabeth 1's saying 'I only have one mistress and no master'. She was the only one who ruled england without a spouse., im not highlighting the failure in her relationship, which she obviously had, but rather on the strength to pursue her duty regardless of the pain. Those words obviously have some pain in it. Well, for me at least, i just realized, being in a bad relationship myself. The strength to say, 'I am married to England'.
Don't delude in yourself thinking i've read some sort of royal biography or whatever. It's from the movie,
Elizabeth, the golden age, played by Cate Blanchett
picture above: the first Queen

Now these kind of women is definitely worth reading. The ardous journey they must have gone through life while seeking romance all at the same time, makes more sense to me. But that is just me. Maybe my mind like to burden itself with heavy stuff and issues.

Pride and Prejudice is generally known as the love story of Elizabeth and Darcy. I used to think that too before and during the first time reading it. But you know, certainly a simple reason such as that doesn't justify it being lifted as a great literature of all time. No, it certainly is not. There are many issues highlighted by Jane Austen, the various realities in life they must come through, while giving it a happy ending. That's what makes it so amazing to read.

Another piece worth noting is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. As the title goes, this story revolves around the whole life of an extremely average woman but with a strong will and determination. Complete with various ups and downs. Definitely a must read for any girls at all. And Charlotte Bronte, I must say, was a great writer. There hasn't a single book yet that could match my experience and state of mind when reading Jane Eyre. It's classic english, but it's read-able i assure you. Unlike Jane Austen's train of thoughts and opinions, this is merely a story.

I used to think that i wouldn't worry about relationships. I think i'm a pretty attractive and acceptable woman in my own way. I believed one way or another, relationship will come along the way, someday, somehow. But now i have doubts. At this point, with that kind of attitude, will i really get that relationship that i think i will get? Now i truly feel the meaning in application when people say, u have to work for it to get into a relationship and not just hope for it to come. Yes, now i truly feel that i have a role to play to be successful in a relationship. I have a role to respond, to flirt, to make the other happy and not just hoping to be happy. To contribute, to give and not hoping for something in return. I hope.. i will have a successful life, all-rounded, despite my lack of romanticity and soft view on relationship. amin.

p/s: chick-lit doesn't necessarily have to be about love, but its about girls so..... okay, prejudice. :>


  1. seriously aku nak baca Pride & Prejudice tu tapi kenapa aku sering kali tak terbeli buku tuuu okay aku rasa kena download e-book je hahaha

  2. kuda terbang: every girls wish to read pride and prejudice. just go and grab them book. aku ade due copy ni haa. e-book.. well klau kau thn bace kat laptop oklah. haha

    syarah: u exist in blogging world! :D oh yeahh.. i just rmembered aku tak follow kau since i dont know how D: ur blog is weird. i could not find the follow button
