Friday, August 19, 2011

diary of a drinks tycoon in bazaar ramadhan

okay i know that sounds pretty cheesy and lame but here's bits and pieces of what i gathered up along the way every evening throughout ramadhan ;)

1. being the great tycoon that we are

During weekdays, sales are pretty satisfying as most working people just buy everything at the bazaar to make their life easier. During weekends however, it's pretty slow, since, people are at home, most of which are cooking their once-in-a-while special dishes or eating outside with families and friends.

weather-wise, when it's scorching hot, when even our own godbless throats feel very dry, it would be non-stop sale, non-stop packaging, non stop 'thank you-ing'. All the drinks would, by the end of the day, left to a very pleasing to look at level. Top sale of the day would very evidently be air asam boi (sells like pisang goreng panas), people would ask for more ice, and some would buy two instead of usually one for themselves. And all that is very much ka-ching for us. On the other hand, during damp days, we should do well reminding ourselves to keep the packaging at a moderate level as so will the sales.

Selling in a place near or at a shopping complex means that you'll definitely gonna have a certain amount of customer, which would be the shopkeepers, sales assistant and everybody else who everyday dwells within that complex. Sensibly, most of them would not trouble themselves to go to any other bazaar ramadhan since they have one nearby anyway. Other than the security of having a customer you'd also have a higher chance of having regular customers, which is not only good for our cash box but also to our personal motivations.

2. the many types of people that i amuse myself with in observation

the really small boy buying and i ask him, "cawan ke plastik dik?" and the answer i get "plastik la kak takkan nak minum kot" and i mumbled back "manela tahu nak belikan adik" ceh cover.
and the next day he comes again and i saw him wearing a school uniform with dark green pants and light blue tie............... #awkward

the boy that would "cik!" loudly from far, and i would answer"ye!", browse through all the containers once, twice and walk away........... #darnit! he is the above boy.

the guy that would stand in front of the containers and would go "air............................." for about 7 seconds or so. and i would "mende bang?" dlm hati.

the people that would order a drink, and then once i've put in a small plastic bag and ready to hand it to them, would then, then, pronounce a second choice of drink. #sabar jela nyah

the pak haji or imam looking person, i would always try to avoid serving and leave them to my brother. would be so overly-conscious to not touch his hand during the drink-money exchange. #wayyyyawkward

them people yang mase all of us dah settled down nak buke baru nak beli. rase cm nak hmm.. tapi rezeki and customer kot. #sabar itu sebahagian drpd iman

owh not to mention them people who i have trouble deciding which to call. ermm.. kak atau bang? ^^ohmygod them breast are bigger than mine :P #astaghfirullah

and there would always be that ONE person whom i will remember his face and gladly serve to when he comes to buy our drinks everyday ^.^ #teehee

and lotsa of other people, as people are; different and uniquely weird. But these people are, like it or not, the customers, the source of our income and our rezeki. and it's never right to speak ill of the rezeki that we have been lucky to be blessed with.

I remember one time, when i was 11 or 12. I was waiting on my mum's raya cards stall and the young guy(probably 2 or 3 years older than me at the time) was also waiting on the same stuff next stall. We were talking over the barrier between our stalls and a customer interrupted to ask something(im guessing from my memory a lot since my friend here was quite annoyed) about the cards. Then he went and complained to me, spoke ill of that person, something like (very roughly), 'byk plak cekadak die, tak nak bli blah ar'. The language was, pretty harsh. Which might explain the reason when one of his customer who was browsing through suddenly said, 'takleh camtu dik, awak ni mniage...etc'. It was quite a lecture. I can feel that he was pretty embarassed. We didnt talk for a while. I let him be. Point is, because of that incident, I remember that lesson forever after. Even if u feel shitty and that it's much easier to strangle down your difficult customer, keep it inside and just swallow it deep. Not much of a loss.

3. etiquette

SMILE. I am somehow glad that i have been blessed with a pair of lips that can easily shape into a smile or a sweet-looking face even with the slightest pull. In school, people used to comment, 'senyum ape tu sorang2...' but honestly i wasnt. Was just pulling my face in deep thought or just being plain silly. There are times when i feel tad tired and weak, prolly because i just woke up in the afternoon. I do realize though, a lot, that we should always treat the customer like how we want to be treated. If i was buying anything, i'd love it if people would smile and say thank you to me. After all, i am spending money on your stuff. And i shouldn't even describe how a smile can make one's day. Who knows, the people that are buying from you, just had a hard day, and your smile just lifted the burden off their chest, somehow. That's cool, right? So even when im tired, i just pulled my face a bit. Fake, at first, but in time, became real.

Before, i've always made an emo/angker face whenever i am not laughing. I kept hearing that people thought im a hard-to-approach type and that i can't smile. That latter comment kinda hurt me. But surely, there's some truth in their words that i should take note. So now, im trying my best to put on a happy, smiley face all the time because i myself love to look at those people whose smile seems to never fade from their face. It's not that i don't smile, i just...forgot.

CRUSH. Is it actually okay to have a customer crush? haha. I don't think it's cool or right to be flirting with your customer but..errr...ohdear. and it's Ramadhan too! sheesh silly girl..

okay at first i exchanged flirtatious smiles with him, but by time, being the steel heart that i am, started to feel very awkward and disgusted with myself. Then i tried to be less 'intense' haha i hate these words that im coming up with. hmm.. so i guess it's gonna be okay. I'll just be patient for another few days and ramdhan, and bazaar and crush would soon be over. hurahh!

so i guess that's it. of what i can think of, that is.

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