Alimentary System & Concepts and Principles of Biochemistry.
what a joke!
for this one the time to revise was a day more than the previous one. so i didnt feel as bad because i actually did what i could. to the extent where im capable of(which is not much). and probably because it's less......................intense? =/
NB:tade subjek dlm dunie ni yang mampu mnandingi HIS.
here's one:....... vomitting is sometimes caused by endogenous chemicals which act at the chemoreceptor trigger zone. where is this located?
************* HAHAHAHA... pliss la ade ke org paid any attention to that one little mention of the brain part in the note amidst alimentary system? ciss la -_-
here's another: (erh..tak igt, but it was a really simple question)..something is made by what tissue?A: liver,B:brain, etc.
********* men2 ngn gua ke soklan. ni cam knon2 nye compensate for soklan chemoreceptor trigger zone tu ar???
but its funny though, the simplest question can somehow equals the toughest question. in a sense that you would doubt yourself, doubt the simplicity of the question. tak mungkin mudah begini? mungkin ade sesuatu yang aku tak nmpak. mungkin aku perlu consider balik, pikir balik, celah mane ke die ade mention mungkin detail kecik psl mende nih. manusia mmg suke mengusutkan keadaan.
patuh SNQ(written)
dalam byk2 bende psal metabolism, fed/fasting state, mobilisation of energy and reserves....
describe the structure of carbohydrate. explain isomer,enantiomer, epimer. whats glucosaminoglycan and its function?
*************WARGHAHAHAHA... tak terkate. -_-
mstla bende2 camtu bace skali lalu je kan? wlaupon tahu sejak bangku sekolah tapi this context nak ekxplen kne gak tahu dlm nota tu camne ckpnye. kite ni bukan native english speaker, ye dak? bknla kate cam hapal ayat sbijik2 cam dlm nota tu(kadang2 wat je, dah mmg lecturer tu punye ayat sdap n mudah mnerangkan kan, nk wat cmane) tapi tahula vocab yg seswai. tadi pon bape kali cross2. cross2 nih tak best, menunjukkan aku nih tak tahu, sbb ape yg ditulis ialah ape yg kua dulu, ape yg tlintas, yg teringat. klau tetibe ttinggal satu process, cross....nampak no tak igt. klau dah dlm otak mmg dah siap tersusun cantik je tulis. itulah namenye impression. secare conscious(antare pkataan dlm bhasa penjajah yg pling susah eja) atau tidak, kite telah 'berinteraksi' dgn examiner itu sendiri.
tp MCQ agak mencabar la byk die tnye drugs and enzymes yg spesifik. tp like i said... today was not as bad as THE previous one. i think evrybody feels so too. kot. atleast koyak pon tak se-rabak. kot.
ouh. n did i mention. resit/repeat paper di RCSI is unsurprisingly common.
sbelom masuk exam hall lpak2 kat locker jumpe mcm2 luahan prasaan. sgt mnarik.
"aku tak bace pon part nih weh, malas"(in a lawak sort of way la dat u dont hav the heart or even any point to condemn his words)
"aku nak resit je la weh, mcm lagi senang je hidup aku" sumpah best jd die ni.
"si fulan ni tak stadi pon die lagi ar dah pasrah je, since balik haritu die tak bace sgt pon , mlm2 tgk movie..." haha, yg ni mg terbaik.
macam2 je manusia nih.
tp klau Allah nak bg die bg kan?
"Masya Allah, la haula wa la quwwata illa billahil'aliyyil 'azeem" surah ape tah. (credits to jiha short sharing lpas maghrib)
kekuatan, tak ckp byk la, untuk memegang pensel tu sendiri datang dr-Nya. maka kita berdoalah dgn rase kekosongan, tiada apa, tanpa sedikit ATP pun dlm badan, seolah-olah badan sudah mula mendigest protein2 dlm muscle. takde pape nih, tggal skeleton je yg tgantung mlambai2 tuh(hoho), tp kite nak study.nak prepare for exam. make mintak lah sgale anggota plengkap,'myotomes','dermatomes','sclerotome' dan bermacam underlying or even superficial 'metabolising centres' and 'pathway' sbg kudrat utk kita belajar,nak exam, sambil pada waktu yang sama menjalankan hidup seperti biasa(masak, basuh baju, MANDI, etc). smoge dgn kudrat yg diberi tuh bolehlah dimanfaatkan seadenye dan sebaik-baiknye.
ade gak kes minor tetapi common di mane berlakunye 'inborn errors of metabolism' yang mana merupakan satu penyakit genetik yg menyebabkan penghasilan enzim2 penting utk proses metabolisi dlm badan, tidak boleh berfungsi dgn betul. enzim tidak dihasilkan dengan betul, ataupun mutated maka tidak boleh menjalankan normal function nye sebagaimana kite telah belajar dlm matapelajaran sains di sekolah. maka ini menyebabkan badan tidak boleh memproses sgale macam basic resources dlm badan. maka kita katakan sebahagian manusia tidak mampu 'berfungsi dengan betul'.
"you have it in you, everybody does. klau aku boleh kau pon boleh. sume org pon boleh. its not impossible.."
yeah...we do, have it in us. we're made from the same substance, we came from the same source, but some people are just born lacking some 'enzymes' required to utilise them. but there ARE treatments developed to overcome those. for some of them the treatment hasn't been fully established, can only make the sypmtoms go away, make people die slower, but they'll eventually die. it happens. shit happens.
but for some there are treatments like DNA therapy etc yg combine2 gene tu gune bacteria dan macamane tah lagi(tak bace sgt tajuk nih). there ARE solutions. namun begitu, penyakit genetik tetap penyakit genetik. u are born with it man, it doesnt just simply go away. its the body, u dont just dump the body, u cant kill the body, then where do we host our soul. so, the treatment has to be continuous. mcm gene therapy yg blaja kat ib dulu contohnye(tak igt dah ape), stiap 3 tahun die kene undergo the therapy again. but it shudn't take us 3 years to have another 'therapy' right? sedang org 'normal' pon memerlukan 'therapy' and tazkirah every now and then, apetah lagi org yg lacking enzymes. tapi...mcm mane kite nak diagnose the state of 'lacking enzyme'? mcm mane klau nak tahu kite tergolong dlm org yg ade 'inborn errors of metabolism' nih? payah. maka itu, spertimana dengan setiap penyakit dlm dunia ni, kita lihat pada symptom2 nye..... which aku pon tatahu nak ckp mcm mane coz mende ni sgtlah relatif. but if u feel like u hav this unpleasant trait encoded to your gene that u really cant get rid of, and with that trait, u cant seem to 'live on' your life in a healthy manner...then u should consider 'gene therapy'. a continous back to basic therapy. combating the problem at its core.
edlyn berkate, di status fesbuk die:
yang ni pulak..congenital disease. disease, atau defects yang develop dalam kandungan.
pnah denga tak crite.. baby dalam kandungan? suke sangat. comel sangat. ^^
mule2 baby hanyalah seketul daging yang terpusing2 dengan seronoknye di dalam amniotic fluid tu, terapung-apung, dengan bebasnya, gelap dan tak nampak pape.
pastu tetibe kualah something dari bwhnye iaitu kaki.. baby pon bkate: ishhhh..ape ni?? sibuklah makan space, tak best langsung! tak mau, tak mau.. D:
ibu pon bkate: sabarlah anakku...benda itu akan berguna untuk kamu suatu hari nnti..
selepas itu kua pulak dua bijik tangan dr tepinya, baby berkate: hisshhhh...ape nih?? mengganggu la, dah tak boleh pusing2 lagi dlm ni, kacau btol, tutup2 muke..eee ape ni?? ):
ibu yang baik pon berkate: sabar wahai anakku. suatu hari nanti kamu akan menggunakan bende itu. sesungguhnya kau tak tahu... ibu tahu..
dan bile baby kua dari kandungan maka sedarlah ia betapa pentingnya due batang kaki dan tangan yang die condemn dulu........
(crite telah disampaikan kepda aku dgn care tak formal maka aku telah menyampaikan dlm versi aisyah shahrom)
maka kita sebenarnye berada dlm kandungan itu. gelap gelita. tatahu pape. kita hnya perlu percaya kata-kata 'ibu'. kita disuruh bersabar..dan bertawakal.
congenital disease is due to something that has happened in the past. contoh, mak die consume alcohol yg mlampau ke mase die mengandung, shock yang membuatkan pertumbuhan terencat etc. but they can still live. the baby can still survive, grow up, live life, get a job, and even get married and have children. as long as they still have the fundamental units for them to stay alive. all the vital organs. as long as all the vital units are intact, you're okay. you're...okay. dats all right. as long as we're alive...right?tak kesah la..klau tgn takde seblah ke ape...
perhaps its impossible to change the physicals, the characteristics, sbb bende dah berlaku, mmg camtu, mmg kpale die bcantum dgn tgn ke.. rupe cam alien ke etc. but there's one common thing that is never materialized, tak nampak pon rupenye baik ke buruk ke damaged ke. cume kite hanya boleh nampak kesannya pada sikap dan sifat. ya..itulah HATI. aku sangat sangat..sangat suke dalam cite 'My Name is Khan' bile mak die aja die yang ade due jenis orang je dlm dunia ni tak kire la bangsa ape, nationality ape, agame ape: org yg baik dan org yg jahat. i thought, wow.... bijak gile mak die nih...
so, maybe its impossible to change our trait, but if we have a good heart, i bet you that people wont even be bothered by that unchangeable character of yours.
p/s: my mind is bsepah again. im using literals and metaphors interchangeably with no clear boundaries. bahhhhhh D:
p/p/s: repeat paper 150 euro se subjek. uhuk! tbatuk den.
pray for us!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
a kick in the head
today was 2in1 Neuromuscular and Haemotology & Immune system. 60MCQ, 6 short note questions. so, whats the verdict? jeng jeng jeng....
a realisation.
mcm2 thoughts came across my mind tadi.
1. ohhhhh.....patotla org kate study medic nih susah
2. im dead. so dead. i am so repeating this.
3. hidup nih susah kan. as in tak sesimple sebutan 'life is simple, so make it simple'. hal ini berikutan tertanya-tanya apakah respon ibunda dan keluarga sekiranya aku kene repeat walhal aku sendiri tak kisah. life IS simple, if its only about you. but its not. :/
4. aku tak kisah repeat sbb aku tak puas hati aku tak master lagi tajuk nih. erk...tak perlu la master kot.. at least faham module tuh. NM is..yeah okay. HIS yang kurang bpuas hati. so if repeat i have the rigid reason for me to study. well boleh je nak study sendiri..tapi....tak smpai thp tu lagi lah. sorilah.
(tgkla teruk gile mase exam pon dah anticipate for a repeat)
mase exam:
MCQ....... selak, umph, ok anat ok bleh la sket, selak, uish, selak, ahah tu dia... ANS pharmacology tak cam byk plak an ok takpe, masuk HIS plak, .........skip........skip.........skip lagi...... shit!aku taw ni. tp tataw!, ok selak..abes soklan. pandang kiri kanan.
selak tsengguk, selak...selak..hurm btolla ni insyaAllah... sengguk... tanda.peh minah saleh seblah aku ni, dh tutp, lupe nak tinguk jam. what?? 15 minutes lagi. peh! byk lagi tak jwb. masuk HIS. selak, taktaw argh A , tataw lagi argh.ermmmm C........
tak sangke aku wat camtu mase final exam.
SNQ.......NM lancar huish, nerve supply, blood supply, muscle(blom tentu betolla), owh english aku sucks la weh upenye. well slalu jwb kat negara melayu bearing in mind that tak kesahla janji penanda tahu aku phm janji isinya ade, tapi disini rase vain yang ketara kerana tak nak ar mcm show sgt diri aku sape(budak mesia) mlalui pnulisanku yang huru hara tuh. amek kau die tanye treatment drug perghh....try selak soklan len dlu ah, masuklah tajuk HIS........selak,selak,selak, end of question.
"im dead"
i felt like scratching the table with my pen IM DEAD! okayh..takpe...jawab jela takkan nak bia kosong..writewritewrite(dlm hati peh gile ar ni memang goreng kunyit, halia, kicap dan macam2 lagi, memang goreng kaw2 mamak punya) sumpah aku goreng bdasarkan general knowledge. hahaha.. haiyoo..
kesimpulan cerita:
tamparan hebat.
inilah yang dikatakan oleh para senpai....
"exam itulah yang akan menunjukkan/menjadi indicator to where you stand."
where i stand what?
maksudnya di sini... blaja2 rase ok je. boleh masuk, faham. time exam barulah nampak yang aku ni upenye nak jadi doktor. oooooo...... bg case: what drug would you give, mode of administration. wow. somehow fascinated skjap.
WOW. ok aku fascinated. aku tidak mnerima ini dengan respon yang normal. bagiku perkara ini di luar kebiasanku. (maksudnye tak reti nak jwbla tak tahu?)
dan lagi satu, walaupun klau tajuk pharmaco ade due je dlm whole module tuh, tak mlambangkan due itu same jisimnya dgn due tajuk yg lain dlm module yg same.
my head keeps spinning
i go to sleep
i keep dreaming
if this is just a
my life is gonna be
bee-yoo-tifool ;)
ain't that a kick in the head?
a realisation.
mcm2 thoughts came across my mind tadi.
1. ohhhhh.....patotla org kate study medic nih susah
2. im dead. so dead. i am so repeating this.
3. hidup nih susah kan. as in tak sesimple sebutan 'life is simple, so make it simple'. hal ini berikutan tertanya-tanya apakah respon ibunda dan keluarga sekiranya aku kene repeat walhal aku sendiri tak kisah. life IS simple, if its only about you. but its not. :/
4. aku tak kisah repeat sbb aku tak puas hati aku tak master lagi tajuk nih. erk...tak perlu la master kot.. at least faham module tuh. NM is..yeah okay. HIS yang kurang bpuas hati. so if repeat i have the rigid reason for me to study. well boleh je nak study sendiri..tapi....tak smpai thp tu lagi lah. sorilah.
(tgkla teruk gile mase exam pon dah anticipate for a repeat)
mase exam:
MCQ....... selak, umph, ok anat ok bleh la sket, selak, uish, selak, ahah tu dia... ANS pharmacology tak cam byk plak an ok takpe, masuk HIS plak, .........skip........skip.........skip lagi...... shit!aku taw ni. tp tataw!, ok selak..abes soklan. pandang kiri kanan.
selak tsengguk, selak...selak..hurm btolla ni insyaAllah... sengguk... tanda.peh minah saleh seblah aku ni, dh tutp, lupe nak tinguk jam. what?? 15 minutes lagi. peh! byk lagi tak jwb. masuk HIS. selak, taktaw argh A , tataw lagi argh.ermmmm C........
tak sangke aku wat camtu mase final exam.
SNQ.......NM lancar huish, nerve supply, blood supply, muscle(blom tentu betolla), owh english aku sucks la weh upenye. well slalu jwb kat negara melayu bearing in mind that tak kesahla janji penanda tahu aku phm janji isinya ade, tapi disini rase vain yang ketara kerana tak nak ar mcm show sgt diri aku sape(budak mesia) mlalui pnulisanku yang huru hara tuh. amek kau die tanye treatment drug perghh....try selak soklan len dlu ah, masuklah tajuk HIS........selak,selak,selak, end of question.
"im dead"
i felt like scratching the table with my pen IM DEAD! okayh..takpe...jawab jela takkan nak bia kosong..writewritewrite(dlm hati peh gile ar ni memang goreng kunyit, halia, kicap dan macam2 lagi, memang goreng kaw2 mamak punya) sumpah aku goreng bdasarkan general knowledge. hahaha.. haiyoo..
kesimpulan cerita:
tamparan hebat.
inilah yang dikatakan oleh para senpai....
"exam itulah yang akan menunjukkan/menjadi indicator to where you stand."
where i stand what?
maksudnya di sini... blaja2 rase ok je. boleh masuk, faham. time exam barulah nampak yang aku ni upenye nak jadi doktor. oooooo...... bg case: what drug would you give, mode of administration. wow. somehow fascinated skjap.
WOW. ok aku fascinated. aku tidak mnerima ini dengan respon yang normal. bagiku perkara ini di luar kebiasanku. (maksudnye tak reti nak jwbla tak tahu?)
dan lagi satu, walaupun klau tajuk pharmaco ade due je dlm whole module tuh, tak mlambangkan due itu same jisimnya dgn due tajuk yg lain dlm module yg same.
my head keeps spinning
i go to sleep
i keep dreaming
if this is just a
my life is gonna be
bee-yoo-tifool ;)
ain't that a kick in the head?
Monday, January 10, 2011
a whine
just a moment of self-pitying and self-assuring sambil mkn bihun sup buatan tangan campak2 siap sebab lapar gila dan tensi tak boleh survive makan roti je waktu2 genting camni.
on the bus just now, i feel like i should keep track of my progress in the world(hoho). in a more specific context; exam.
my first ever exam in medical school has just commenced. today was anatomy. 10 minutes with two examiners, countless days of studying beforehand.
it was ok la. i might not fail, but i dont think ive got a good mark either. cam besela.. cam mase cardsigning. honestly, aku tak kisah dapat pape asalkan lulus dan lepas so that nnt mase summer boleh pulang ke kampung halaman dgn hati yang tenang.(sbb klau kne repeat kne stay back ;( ) but why am i writing this whine? because deep down inside i had hoped i would do better this time. better than it was during cardsignings. better because i've prepared more than i did before. i had studied more. i had hoped. i feel...sad. :(
but SEE??? thats why its so rotten and inacceptable. lihat pada apakah harapan itu disandarkan. pada: aku dah sedia lebih, aku dah study lebih, insyaAllah boleh. well, i said insyaAllah, i did berserah and tawakkal. but beselah, dkat beberape jam sblom exam mesti dah stat dah.... mane pegi chill..mane pegi absolute tawakal. rase cam last minute tu lah nk pulun habis. time2 sebelum tuh ok je, dok doa lame2 pon rilek je. tadi sebelum exam mase lpak surau cadang nak bace quran ar sampai its time to go to the anat room. tenangkan hati, hayati tawakal, bahawasanya kalau Allah tak bagi tak dpt jep.. tapi.. after zohor tros kua selak nota smpaila pegi letak beg dalam loker and pakai labcoat. makenye aisyah shahrom, lpas ni silelah plih alQuran over anat notes yer. plis jgn sentap.
i had an okay feeling la sebelum masuk anat room tu. like i said, i wasnt hoping for something grand, im not a genius, never have been. mmg kapasiti otak dan intelek ku takat average sudeyh. just, hoping for better. not grand, but better. bile kua anat rum rase cam sedikit down. tapi takdela down sgt, ppl who know me knows how my 'down afta exam' looks like. im ok. im not draggy. well most of the time at least.
dlm bus tadi cam.."hurm......... wat the hell was that????" rase cam sebuah tamparan. "hamek kau jajan". why the hell did i hoped that for? i shouldnt hope for a result. result is not mine to make, mine to decide. it is not my right. my right is to work hard and give my best and pray to Allah to grant me the best; and the best i shall get for He has arranged everything in our life in the best way possible. result di sini is my performance mase exam la. result yg result tu jd tah lantok lerr tggal doa byk2 je la.
adehhhhh.... aplikasi mmg susah. ckp senang(tak ar sgt igt senang ke nak menyelami diri). tapi atleast dah diekstrak dari kepala and hati(hopefully) dan dimaterialize menjadi sesuatu yang boleh dilihat maka mudah untuk dirujuk kembali pada masa2 akan datang.
takpela.. kasi can la.. first exam kan. mmg sentap sket. walaupun belajar takat ayam2 je tapi nak ade jugak angan2 superman tuh. hoho.. besela. kite kene ade motivation kan. aim for the star, then if u fall, at least u fall on the moon. aim for gempak atleast i would lulus solid. keh3.
cume nak ckpnye kat sini ialah harapan dan angan2 itu hanya sebagai target dan motivasi, bukan suatu....anticipation.
Anticipation, or being enthusiastic, is an emotion involving pleasure (and sometimes anxiety) in considering some expected or longed-for good event. (credits kpd encik wiki)
atau dlm bahse melayunye....mengharap-harapkan, menanti-nanti (terima kasih online dictionary)
ok? result itu milik Allah. dah ditetapkan. muslim sejati tidak akan ade rase resah gelisah dalam hati nya kerana dia yakin kepada Allah.
anyways, besenye orang klau cakap mende2 motivasi ni lbeh kepada diri sendiri daripada org lain. contohnye liyana di status skype nye :P mauhuahau, nmpak fake and vulnerable kot. yeah i saw right through you. hohoh. (sometimes i think i have the tendency to analyze people, darn!) so percayaalaah....; because i recently noticed that some people might read my blog, that i am simply talking to myself. that all these are directed to me first and foremost.
tapi kalau mende2 camni senang kite nak nampak kan kalau org ni sebnanye lebih menghalakan ucapan atau motivasi tu kepada diri sendiri walaupun die ckp kat org ramai. contoh, kat lua exam hall: "dont lose hope babe, boleh punye, if we believe, we can surely achieve!" senang kan nak rase yang org yg ckp ni sbnanye nak mnaikkan smgt diri sendiri sblum sambil itu cube juge untuk mnaikkan org len. tapi klau org yang mengajak kepada kebaikan (like THE 'kebaikan') most of the time rase pahal die nih tibe2 nasihat2 ajak2 orang. korang org alim kot. rajin g usrah. kitorang mane reti (negatif). takpun, hurm..bagosnye die ni, tapi die hebat kot, die bolehla nak rase/pikir/buat camtu.. aku nih..(lebih positif). jarang ar nak rase yang org tu tgh ajak diri sendiri smbil cube mngajak org lain. mungkin klau rase camtu, mungkin lebih senang utk menerima? karena rasanya masing2 juga serupa dan tiada beda? pada tahap yang sama? just a thought yang muncul susulan perkara di atas.
when i started studying for the exam, my spirits were like soooooo high. rase seronok je blaja. rase interesting je. tp dh lame2 tuh mulela hilang fokus. besela tu kan. so.. with this renewed 'hope' God willing, it will boost my spirit again to study for the next paper. on thursday. today is monday btw, jam blog ni tak ikut waktu ireland. ciao.
p/s: i feel like my mind is so bsepah ape yang muncul kat kepala men ckp je so explains the wateverness of this post. well it was supposed to be 'just a moment' of whine after all.
on the bus just now, i feel like i should keep track of my progress in the world(hoho). in a more specific context; exam.
my first ever exam in medical school has just commenced. today was anatomy. 10 minutes with two examiners, countless days of studying beforehand.
it was ok la. i might not fail, but i dont think ive got a good mark either. cam besela.. cam mase cardsigning. honestly, aku tak kisah dapat pape asalkan lulus dan lepas so that nnt mase summer boleh pulang ke kampung halaman dgn hati yang tenang.(sbb klau kne repeat kne stay back ;( ) but why am i writing this whine? because deep down inside i had hoped i would do better this time. better than it was during cardsignings. better because i've prepared more than i did before. i had studied more. i had hoped. i feel...sad. :(
but SEE??? thats why its so rotten and inacceptable. lihat pada apakah harapan itu disandarkan. pada: aku dah sedia lebih, aku dah study lebih, insyaAllah boleh. well, i said insyaAllah, i did berserah and tawakkal. but beselah, dkat beberape jam sblom exam mesti dah stat dah.... mane pegi chill..mane pegi absolute tawakal. rase cam last minute tu lah nk pulun habis. time2 sebelum tuh ok je, dok doa lame2 pon rilek je. tadi sebelum exam mase lpak surau cadang nak bace quran ar sampai its time to go to the anat room. tenangkan hati, hayati tawakal, bahawasanya kalau Allah tak bagi tak dpt jep.. tapi.. after zohor tros kua selak nota smpaila pegi letak beg dalam loker and pakai labcoat. makenye aisyah shahrom, lpas ni silelah plih alQuran over anat notes yer. plis jgn sentap.
i had an okay feeling la sebelum masuk anat room tu. like i said, i wasnt hoping for something grand, im not a genius, never have been. mmg kapasiti otak dan intelek ku takat average sudeyh. just, hoping for better. not grand, but better. bile kua anat rum rase cam sedikit down. tapi takdela down sgt, ppl who know me knows how my 'down afta exam' looks like. im ok. im not draggy. well most of the time at least.
dlm bus tadi cam.."hurm......... wat the hell was that????" rase cam sebuah tamparan. "hamek kau jajan". why the hell did i hoped that for? i shouldnt hope for a result. result is not mine to make, mine to decide. it is not my right. my right is to work hard and give my best and pray to Allah to grant me the best; and the best i shall get for He has arranged everything in our life in the best way possible. result di sini is my performance mase exam la. result yg result tu jd tah lantok lerr tggal doa byk2 je la.
adehhhhh.... aplikasi mmg susah. ckp senang(tak ar sgt igt senang ke nak menyelami diri). tapi atleast dah diekstrak dari kepala and hati(hopefully) dan dimaterialize menjadi sesuatu yang boleh dilihat maka mudah untuk dirujuk kembali pada masa2 akan datang.
takpela.. kasi can la.. first exam kan. mmg sentap sket. walaupun belajar takat ayam2 je tapi nak ade jugak angan2 superman tuh. hoho.. besela. kite kene ade motivation kan. aim for the star, then if u fall, at least u fall on the moon. aim for gempak atleast i would lulus solid. keh3.
cume nak ckpnye kat sini ialah harapan dan angan2 itu hanya sebagai target dan motivasi, bukan suatu....anticipation.
Anticipation, or being enthusiastic, is an emotion involving pleasure (and sometimes anxiety) in considering some expected or longed-for good event. (credits kpd encik wiki)
atau dlm bahse melayunye....mengharap-harapkan, menanti-nanti (terima kasih online dictionary)
ok? result itu milik Allah. dah ditetapkan. muslim sejati tidak akan ade rase resah gelisah dalam hati nya kerana dia yakin kepada Allah.
anyways, besenye orang klau cakap mende2 motivasi ni lbeh kepada diri sendiri daripada org lain. contohnye liyana di status skype nye :P mauhuahau, nmpak fake and vulnerable kot. yeah i saw right through you. hohoh. (sometimes i think i have the tendency to analyze people, darn!) so percayaalaah....; because i recently noticed that some people might read my blog, that i am simply talking to myself. that all these are directed to me first and foremost.
tapi kalau mende2 camni senang kite nak nampak kan kalau org ni sebnanye lebih menghalakan ucapan atau motivasi tu kepada diri sendiri walaupun die ckp kat org ramai. contoh, kat lua exam hall: "dont lose hope babe, boleh punye, if we believe, we can surely achieve!" senang kan nak rase yang org yg ckp ni sbnanye nak mnaikkan smgt diri sendiri sblum sambil itu cube juge untuk mnaikkan org len. tapi klau org yang mengajak kepada kebaikan (like THE 'kebaikan') most of the time rase pahal die nih tibe2 nasihat2 ajak2 orang. korang org alim kot. rajin g usrah. kitorang mane reti (negatif). takpun, hurm..bagosnye die ni, tapi die hebat kot, die bolehla nak rase/pikir/buat camtu.. aku nih..(lebih positif). jarang ar nak rase yang org tu tgh ajak diri sendiri smbil cube mngajak org lain. mungkin klau rase camtu, mungkin lebih senang utk menerima? karena rasanya masing2 juga serupa dan tiada beda? pada tahap yang sama? just a thought yang muncul susulan perkara di atas.
when i started studying for the exam, my spirits were like soooooo high. rase seronok je blaja. rase interesting je. tp dh lame2 tuh mulela hilang fokus. besela tu kan. so.. with this renewed 'hope' God willing, it will boost my spirit again to study for the next paper. on thursday. today is monday btw, jam blog ni tak ikut waktu ireland. ciao.
p/s: i feel like my mind is so bsepah ape yang muncul kat kepala men ckp je so explains the wateverness of this post. well it was supposed to be 'just a moment' of whine after all.
Monday, January 3, 2011
fairytales and fantasies; disneys and deviances
was just browsing through facebook news feed when i saw someone posted this on her status:
of course there are some truth in the word, reason why i cant criticize and just condemn the idea. but perhaps whoever wrote it doesnt get the point to the stories, or havent even watched them. i think so. no, i bet so. its like coming from the mouth of a person who has only just heard of the basic plot of the story and not the whole point of it. well, true tarzan runs around without clothes on, but he was raised by a group of gorillas for god's sake!!! its lucky enough he has the instinct to cover some parts up coz the gorillas obviously dont wear any, ANY clothes at all. the point is that animals has the same kindness and motherly instinct to keep a child not her own and not even from her kind. the point is that animals has the same 'humanity' eventhough they dont have the same mind, intelligence. im not good at explaining things with words but that is the most essential, heartwarming point that...sigh.
well of course some part of it is a little bit 'empty' and too light. the most obvious one is sleeping beauty. in a way, i cant agree more with the statement above. haha. sleeping beauty is the very typical, superficial fairytale of a prince and princess who have been longing for each other without knowing who each other are and when they finally meet they want to get married and live happily ever after the next thing in the morning.
these kind of stuff.. is pretty much like fairytales and santa claus. we grew up with it, indulging it. its the same as arguing that children should not be brought up exposed to fairy tales and unrealistic dreams and that they should be exposed to reality from very early age to make them more mature and rational etc2. but YOU who SAID that, must means that you have indeed grew up with it since your suggesting for your CHILDREN and not your own childhood. and you turn out well didnt you? sure children will grow up dreaming to be a princess or a beaming hero... why not? they will grow up, realize what can be done or not, can be achieved or not, and they'll work their way on, like everybody else does. we dont hear people failing in life say its all because i believed too much in what i watched when i was young. the environment and the society WILL definitely bring to you reality and children will definitely realize it.
so sedih..
but then again.. these are children after all. they just do and imitate what they see. they dont analyze and criticize what they see. only adults does that. i myself only realize the absolute beauty, sweetness, heartwarmingness of all those movies only when i watched them again, recently, grown up. but counteracting this again, children dont think much, we just watch. when i watched it i dont really remember what the exact essence of the movie. i just know that cinderella meets her prince, got married and lived happily ever after. end of story, sambung main masak2.
well what to say.... in the end, all these stories originates from the west. and i think its already well weaved and suited by disneys for children's view. Hercules for example, they made it easy by saying Hercules is actually son of Zeus and Hera and become mortal because he drank a potion made by Hades. while in Greek myth, demigods are breed of god and mortal human so.. Hercules comes from a kinda complicated relationship. Zeus is a really promiscuous entity. yeah well anyways.. disneys movies are world phenomenon. everybody knows them. pfft. u cant stop them. so if u wanna do something about it i guess the parents has to help the children think and sort out whats good and whats not. isnt that more practical? after all, when they grow up, that is the reality that they're gonna face. u stop disney's movies doesnt mean ur safe from other world deviances. sheesh. help our children go through it together la.
then of course there's all that islamic warrior stories. of course its good! and well suited to let our children know. then again refer to what i said just now.
a friend once shared a hadith (heard this several time but only remembered it well when this particular friend told me by making it practical when he suggested the hindi movie '3 idiots') which i think is really3 suitable in this issue:
"Hikmah itu sesuatu yang hilang dari orang mukmin, di mana sahaja kamu dapatinya, kamu lebih berhak dengannya"
(riwayat Tirmizi)
see? take all the himah that we can get from..anywhere! even by the westerners. even by their works, productions. its ours. kita lebih berhak ke atasnya, okay?
so hopefully i'll burn that hadis into the back of my mind, keep it in thought, and always grab my hikmah wherever i go as the azam in this new year 2011. HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)
and may Allah bless us all.
"Jasmine was in a forbidden relationship with Aladdin. Snow White lived alone with 7 men. Pinnochio was a liar. Robin Hood was a thief. Tarzan walked around without clothes on. A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him. Cinderella lied and sneaked out at night to attend a party. These are the stories children are raised with and then people complain our generation is messed up"... - islamic digest
okay so people close to me knows very well that i love disney movies so much that this statement practically shattered my heart. the first thought that came through my mind was, "but...but...." probably because it's soooooooooo one sided that it kinda sparked argument almost instantaneously. why...oh why doest it has to be so negative. disneys movies arent all bad. everybody MUST agree that there's a lot of lessons in the stories. too much, that perhaps cant be portrayed as such if the bad attributes like disobedience, lies and sneakiness aren't weaved together in the story. im currently trying very hard not to criticize whoever came up with this statement. argh.of course there are some truth in the word, reason why i cant criticize and just condemn the idea. but perhaps whoever wrote it doesnt get the point to the stories, or havent even watched them. i think so. no, i bet so. its like coming from the mouth of a person who has only just heard of the basic plot of the story and not the whole point of it. well, true tarzan runs around without clothes on, but he was raised by a group of gorillas for god's sake!!! its lucky enough he has the instinct to cover some parts up coz the gorillas obviously dont wear any, ANY clothes at all. the point is that animals has the same kindness and motherly instinct to keep a child not her own and not even from her kind. the point is that animals has the same 'humanity' eventhough they dont have the same mind, intelligence. im not good at explaining things with words but that is the most essential, heartwarming point that...sigh.
well of course some part of it is a little bit 'empty' and too light. the most obvious one is sleeping beauty. in a way, i cant agree more with the statement above. haha. sleeping beauty is the very typical, superficial fairytale of a prince and princess who have been longing for each other without knowing who each other are and when they finally meet they want to get married and live happily ever after the next thing in the morning.
these kind of stuff.. is pretty much like fairytales and santa claus. we grew up with it, indulging it. its the same as arguing that children should not be brought up exposed to fairy tales and unrealistic dreams and that they should be exposed to reality from very early age to make them more mature and rational etc2. but YOU who SAID that, must means that you have indeed grew up with it since your suggesting for your CHILDREN and not your own childhood. and you turn out well didnt you? sure children will grow up dreaming to be a princess or a beaming hero... why not? they will grow up, realize what can be done or not, can be achieved or not, and they'll work their way on, like everybody else does. we dont hear people failing in life say its all because i believed too much in what i watched when i was young. the environment and the society WILL definitely bring to you reality and children will definitely realize it.
so sedih..
but then again.. these are children after all. they just do and imitate what they see. they dont analyze and criticize what they see. only adults does that. i myself only realize the absolute beauty, sweetness, heartwarmingness of all those movies only when i watched them again, recently, grown up. but counteracting this again, children dont think much, we just watch. when i watched it i dont really remember what the exact essence of the movie. i just know that cinderella meets her prince, got married and lived happily ever after. end of story, sambung main masak2.
well what to say.... in the end, all these stories originates from the west. and i think its already well weaved and suited by disneys for children's view. Hercules for example, they made it easy by saying Hercules is actually son of Zeus and Hera and become mortal because he drank a potion made by Hades. while in Greek myth, demigods are breed of god and mortal human so.. Hercules comes from a kinda complicated relationship. Zeus is a really promiscuous entity. yeah well anyways.. disneys movies are world phenomenon. everybody knows them. pfft. u cant stop them. so if u wanna do something about it i guess the parents has to help the children think and sort out whats good and whats not. isnt that more practical? after all, when they grow up, that is the reality that they're gonna face. u stop disney's movies doesnt mean ur safe from other world deviances. sheesh. help our children go through it together la.
then of course there's all that islamic warrior stories. of course its good! and well suited to let our children know. then again refer to what i said just now.
a friend once shared a hadith (heard this several time but only remembered it well when this particular friend told me by making it practical when he suggested the hindi movie '3 idiots') which i think is really3 suitable in this issue:
"Hikmah itu sesuatu yang hilang dari orang mukmin, di mana sahaja kamu dapatinya, kamu lebih berhak dengannya"
(riwayat Tirmizi)
see? take all the himah that we can get from..anywhere! even by the westerners. even by their works, productions. its ours. kita lebih berhak ke atasnya, okay?
so hopefully i'll burn that hadis into the back of my mind, keep it in thought, and always grab my hikmah wherever i go as the azam in this new year 2011. HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)
and may Allah bless us all.
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