Monday, January 3, 2011

fairytales and fantasies; disneys and deviances

was just browsing through facebook news feed when i saw someone posted this on her status:
"Jasmine was in a forbidden relationship with Aladdin. Snow White lived alone with 7 men. Pinnochio was a liar. Robin Hood was a thief. Tarzan walked around without clothes on. A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him. Cinderella lied and sneaked out at night to attend a party. These are the stories children are raised with and then people complain our generation is messed up"... - islamic digest
okay so people close to me knows very well that i love disney movies so much that this statement practically shattered my heart. the first thought that came through my mind was, "but...but...." probably because it's soooooooooo one sided that it kinda sparked argument almost instantaneously. why...oh why doest it has to be so negative. disneys movies arent all bad. everybody MUST agree that there's a lot of lessons in the stories. too much, that perhaps cant be portrayed as such if the bad attributes like disobedience, lies and sneakiness aren't weaved together in the story. im currently trying very hard not to criticize whoever came up with this statement. argh.

of course there are some truth in the word, reason why i cant criticize and just condemn the idea. but perhaps whoever wrote it doesnt get the point to the stories, or havent even watched them. i think so. no, i bet so. its like coming from the mouth of a person who has only just heard of the basic plot of the story and not the whole point of it. well, true tarzan runs around without clothes on, but he was raised by a group of gorillas for god's sake!!! its lucky enough he has the instinct to cover some parts up coz the gorillas obviously dont wear any, ANY clothes at all. the point is that animals has the same kindness and motherly instinct to keep a child not her own and not even from her kind. the point is that animals has the same 'humanity' eventhough they dont have the same mind, intelligence. im not good at explaining things with words but that is the most essential, heartwarming point that...sigh.

well of course some part of it is a little bit 'empty' and too light. the most obvious one is sleeping beauty. in a way, i cant agree more with the statement above. haha. sleeping beauty is the very typical, superficial fairytale of a prince and princess who have been longing for each other without knowing who each other are and when they finally meet they want to get married and live happily ever after the next thing in the morning.

these kind of stuff.. is pretty much like fairytales and santa claus. we grew up with it, indulging it. its the same as arguing that children should not be brought up exposed to fairy tales and unrealistic dreams and that they should be exposed to reality from very early age to make them more mature and rational etc2. but YOU who SAID that, must means that you have indeed grew up with it since your suggesting for your CHILDREN and not your own childhood. and you turn out well didnt you? sure children will grow up dreaming to be a princess or a beaming hero... why not? they will grow up, realize what can be done or not, can be achieved or not, and they'll work their way on, like everybody else does. we dont hear people failing in life say its all because i believed too much in what i watched when i was young. the environment and the society WILL definitely bring to you reality and children will definitely realize it.

so sedih..

but then again.. these are children after all. they just do and imitate what they see. they dont analyze and criticize what they see. only adults does that. i myself only realize the absolute beauty, sweetness, heartwarmingness of all those movies only when i watched them again, recently, grown up. but counteracting this again, children dont think much, we just watch. when i watched it i dont really remember what the exact essence of the movie. i just know that cinderella meets her prince, got married and lived happily ever after. end of story, sambung main masak2.

well what to say.... in the end, all these stories originates from the west. and i think its already well weaved and suited by disneys for children's view. Hercules for example, they made it easy by saying Hercules is actually son of Zeus and Hera and become mortal because he drank a potion made by Hades. while in Greek myth, demigods are breed of god and mortal human so.. Hercules comes from a kinda complicated relationship. Zeus is a really promiscuous entity. yeah well anyways.. disneys movies are world phenomenon. everybody knows them. pfft. u cant stop them. so if u wanna do something about it i guess the parents has to help the children think and sort out whats good and whats not. isnt that more practical? after all, when they grow up, that is the reality that they're gonna face. u stop disney's movies doesnt mean ur safe from other world deviances. sheesh. help our children go through it together la.

then of course there's all that islamic warrior stories. of course its good! and well suited to let our children know. then again refer to what i said just now.

a friend once shared a hadith (heard this several time but only remembered it well when this particular friend told me by making it practical when he suggested the hindi movie '3 idiots') which i think is really3 suitable in this issue:

"Hikmah itu sesuatu yang hilang dari orang mukmin, di mana sahaja kamu dapatinya, kamu lebih berhak dengannya"
(riwayat Tirmizi)

see? take all the himah that we can get from..anywhere! even by the westerners. even by their works, productions. its ours. kita lebih berhak ke atasnya, okay?

so hopefully i'll burn that hadis into the back of my mind, keep it in thought, and always grab my hikmah wherever i go as the azam in this new year 2011. HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)
and may Allah bless us all.

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